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Headlight Restoration: Should you DIY?

Perform an internet search for cloudy headlights and you’ll find thousands of tips on how to fix them yourself using everything from toothpaste and vinegar to insect repellent and sandpaper. Depending on the extent of your headlight cloudiness, some of these...

Get Your Shower Cleaning On Track

Cleaning the bathroom is always such a hassle. One of the most overlooked spots in the bathroom is the shower door track, which can collect dirt, hair and calcium deposits. The moisture the track collects also causes mold and mildew to grow. But you can stop all this...

What’s Low-E Glass and Why Do You Need It?

When heat or light energy is absorbed by glass, it’s either dispersed by moving air or reradiated by the surface of the glass because of its emissive properties. Low-E glass has a microscopically thin, transparent coating that reduces the emissivity of the glass...

Make 2016 a Year of Home Improvement

You love your home, but it could do with a little updating. This plan will help you tackle every problem area this year without stressing yourself out or spending a fortune. You can start with the first tip this weekend. January: Get organized. Everyone in the family...