If you’re reading this, chances are you’re thinking about buying a new patio door. Maybe you’ve already shopped around. And whether you’re set on function, beauty, or both, here are three quick items to consider that can save you money and time down the line.
1) Function over form
Looks and logistics are probably first and foremost in the decision-making process, but they have to work together. A beautiful, ornate door with cheap hinges is a liability for your safety if it breaks, and your wallet if you have to pay to fix it later.
2) Ask about the warranty
Too many people make serious home purchases — patio doors and otherwise — without first asking what’s covered under the manufacturer warranty. After all, a glass patio door is exposed to outside elements, kids, pets, and the weather to name a few, and you want to protect it against those things without shelling out extra money.
Many manufacturers have warranty info on their website, but a good in-store sales representative should be able to inform you on the details.
3) Aftermarket fixes
No matter how perfect they were at point of purchase, over time the rollers on your door and sometimes the tracks will deteriorate or break after use. Lee & Cates technicians are experts at repairing and replacing these parts, and will provide a free quote at any time.
If you’d like more information on patio door services, get a quote here or find your nearest Lee & Cates location.